
Is Your IT Support Company In Love With You?

Protect Your Livelihood with The Most Reliable IT Support in Toronto There’s nothing more valuable than peace of mind. When you’re constantly worried about your network, servers, and livelihood, it’s impossible to give 100% to your work. That’s why Sysoft provides comprehensive and reliable IT support – we work as your IT partner, so that everything is always acc...

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Microsoft Releases Emergency Patch for Critical Security Flaw Found in Internet Explorer!

Running A Version of Internet Explorer Between IE7 – IE11? You’re at Risk for Malware Infection! If you’re running a supported version of Internet Explorer – from IE7 to IE11, you’re at risk for malware infection through a serious vulnerability, wherein your systems can be infected when you browse to a malware riddled website. Microsoft has released an emergency pa...

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Protect Your Business with Comprehensive and Reliable IT Support

Imagine you’re prepping for an important presentation – clients are waiting, your team is ready to go, and suddenly all of your computers shut down. Or you’re in a medical practice, trying to diagnose a patient, and you can’t access their charts. Nothing stunts productivity like downtime; when you can’t access your resources, you can’t get work done. Whether it...

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Microsoft’s New Office 365 E5 Plan

You heard that right – there’s another new and exciting Office 365 plan for your business to get acquainted with. At Sysoft we always work to ensure you’re utilizing the right solutions for your unique needs, and Microsoft offers a wide host of options to accommodate different business requirements. The thing is, Office 365 plans can often be hard to differentiate. What&rsqu...

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Improve Your Operations with The Best IT Services

When you set objectives for your business, it’s easy to let them slide away over time. It’s not because you don’t want to accomplish your goals, but often because you simply don’t have the right services to help attain them.   Sysoft prides itself on ensuring our clients’ technology is aligned with their business objectives, so you’re able to meet and e...

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Azure Migration & Azure Consulting Services

It’s unavoidable – there comes a time when all trusted hardware becomes outdated, old, or obsolete. When that happens, you have to ask yourself a question – should your company continue to go through periodic hardware refreshes? Innovative cloud services such as Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are paving the way in this area, making storage easier, more affordable, and even ...

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Microsoft’s Windows Hello Increases Business User Security

A new feature dubbed as Microsoft’s Windows ‘Hello’ can be a huge bonus for many businesses that want to operate faster and more securely. What is Microsoft’s Windows Hello? Microsoft Windows Hello is a new way for business users to log into their Windows 10. The system will use either your facial recognition, fingerprint, or eye so you can immediately log onto either you...

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Are We Our Worst Enemy?

The Dangers of Malware There’s a new piece of malware making its way around the Internet; its name depends on whom you ask, but in most cases it’s called “CryptoLocker.” Instead of trying to spread itself through your network, it simply finds the important files on your computer and network and encrypts them so that you’re denied access. Files like Word documents, Ex...

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It’s Crucial to Check with Your IT Team Before Moving to Windows 10

Windows 10 Is Now Available…It is crucial that you check with your IT experts before you make the move to this new version of Windows. In our years of providing IT services and support for a wide range of industries, Sysoft has learned many valuable lessons. One of those lessons is that the newest or most expensive technology isn’t always the best; technology should never be bli...

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Looking For A World Without Wires? 

IKEA Wants to Make That Dream Come True. IKEA releases its new line of furniture that offers built in wireless charging for compatible mobile phones.   This wireless charging collection includes desks, bedside tables, and table lamps.  These hidden charging points are designed to blend in to ensure a tidy look for most homes with no more tangles of wires hanging from sockets.  ...

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Protect Your Business Against Threats to Confidential Data Stored on Mobile Devices

As business apps and the use of mobile devices become more of a standard in the workplace today, companies need to be aware of the inherent risks involved. Hacker-made fake apps and compromised personal mobile devices can be detrimental to the security of corporate and private information, so to keep safe, the risks need to be understood. There are more apps made by businesses for their servic...

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Urgent Notice: Hackers Could Hijack Your Vehicle Right Off the Road!

Driving a Chrysler Vehicle? Install This Patch Immediately! Chrysler is striving to turn the traditional automobile into a smart, connected device – and although it’s an innovative, exciting concept, there’s a significant downfall. Chrysler’s UConnect system, which has been installed into cars since the end of 2013, is an Internet-connected feature that controls entertai...

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