If you’re reading this on an Apple device, sit up and pay attention. A rare security patch has been released by Apple that you need to install right now to protect your systems from hackers. Whether you’re running Yosemite, Mavericks, or Mountain Lion OS X systems, you may be vulnerable to a recently discovered security flaw that would allow an unauthorized user to tap into your opera...
Keep ReadingEver review your email in the morning and wonder why there is so much spam coming through? It takes time to differentiate between the emails containing spam, viruses, malware and the ones that are important. There are many ways to set these apart and help kick start the day a bit quicker. Sysoft offers these tips to help you be safe and more productive: 1. Rerouting Traffic If you a...
Keep ReadingOver time, you may notice that you are being less productive at work. It’s a common problem and sometimes you need to change things up a bit. Knowing how you work and doing things differently can make all the difference. Here are the top six tips to make you more productive: 1. Routines and Priorities Everyone has some type of routine when they first start work. If it is gettin...
Keep ReadingSo you’ve just purchased an Android phone? Or maybe you’re looking to improve your experience on an existing Android phone? There is a plethora of options you can change and apps you can add to improve your Android experience! Let’s go over 4 simple things you can do to speed up your phone and get rid of some of the more annoying default features: Turn Off Auto-Correct: “...
Keep ReadingThere’s more to Google Search than meets the eye. The capabilities of the world’s premier search engine are obscured by its deceptively simple layout: the average user may think that all that changes about Google Search is that for every holiday and birthday of a significant person they’ll put up a custom doodle instead of the traditional logo. But Google Search is so much more ...
Keep ReadingHow closely do you guard your passwords? Probably pretty well, most of them are likely stored in a little notebook by your desk, or in an encrypted storage program, or even just kept up in a mental rolodex. We’re coming to an understanding that in the digital age the password can be the keys to the kingdom, and we guard those secrets carefully. But what about the actual keys to the kingdom? ...
Keep ReadingA few months ago Heartbleed, apparently named after a James Bond villain, was a security bug that made headlines even in major, non-tech focused publications. This well-known bug was a flaw in the OpenSSL cryptography library, which is a layer of security between your computer and the servers of many major online services. Hackers were able to exploit this flaw and extract sensitive information su...
Keep ReadingMicrosoft Office is changing for the better. It has been revolutionized and helps you create the best looking documents, spreadsheets, presentations and advertisements for your business. Microsoft is stepping up and has gone above and beyond your expectations. Here are some tips for using your best office buddy: Modern Designs Take your old, outdated themed documents and presentations and make t...
Keep ReadingSometimes surfing the web is more like clinging to a piece of driftwood over shark-infested waters than it is relaxing on a boogie board off some warm island paradise. Every single day 20,000 to 30,000 new malicious URLs pop up, and some of those are taking over sites that were once safe. Here are 5 ways you can make your browser more secure and protect yourself from viruses and identity theft.&nb...
Keep ReadingMicrosoft Excel is a tool most of us use but few of us truly understand. From client lists to call sheets, purchase orders to audits, almost every business person has some use for the data management tool that is Excel. Here are six basic tips that can help you get around Excel with greater efficiency and power. How to use Keyboard Shortcuts to get around quickly There are some basic keyboard ...
Keep ReadingThere is nothing more frustrating than being pressed for time and your printer jams. Of course, it always happens when you have a very important deadline looming. Murphy’s Law is cruel, after all. You run over to the printer, clear out the jammed paper, and think you are in the clear. Wait, nothing is coming out. Why is that? On most business networks, the printer you just cleared out is con...
Keep ReadingDid you say free? That’s always a word that’s worth looking into if it comes from someone you trust. Keeping up with the news or articles online can be pretty challenging these days, especially if you want a balanced approach by reading from multiple sources. Creating bookmarks or sending yourself an email with the subject “Read later” can work for some, but for others, it&...
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