
Toronto Design Firm Recruits Sysoft To Provide Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning Services

An interior design firm from Toronto was on the hunt for a strategic IT provider to help them with disaster recovery and business continuity planning. They reached out to Sysoft Computer Consultants, and our team was immediately eager to serve as their strategic IT partner.

Sysoft Helps Toronto Interior Design Firm with Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning

Just a few weeks ago, the team at Sysoft Computer Consultants was contacted by an interior design firm in Toronto. This team of design professionals was looking to recruit a reliable IT provider to help them implement comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plans. They wanted to ensure their organization was prepared for whatever might come their way and needed reassurance that their business data and continuity would be preserved no matter what.

Talk about a forward-thinking business. Not only had they come to recognize the importance of implementing disaster recovery and business continuity plans, but they had also taken the initiative to reach out to a team of IT professionals to help them make it happen. We were immediately impressed and knew that this was the exact kind of business we love partnering with.

We explained that they had come to the right Toronto IT provider. Sysoft has decades of experience helping local organizations implement reliable cybersecurity solutions and strategic recovery and continuity plans to prepare for cyber disasters of all kinds. Disaster recovery and business continuity planning is truly one of the Sysoft specialties.

We immediately let this Toronto design firm know that we could definitely help them get concrete disaster recovery and business continuity plans in place. We explained that we would help them make all the necessary considerations to ensure their organization would remain operational no matter what unexpected technical issues they might be facing.

If there’s anything the last year has taught us all, it’s that you can never be too prepared for unexpected business disruptions. Strategic IT solutions can help organizations remain operational no matter the challenges their facing. However, in order for IT solutions to play a supportive role, business professionals need to put the time and effort into making sure they are positioned correctly and are able to adapt.

That’s why we’re sharing our experience with this Toronto interior design firm. They realized the value of proactive strategic IT planning and they weren’t afraid to seek out professional consultation. We’ve broken down exactly what they were looking for and how we deployed our expertise to help them. This way, if your Toronto business is thinking about getting proactive about IT security and planning, you might be inspired by our strategic partnership with this Toronto design firm.

Why Was Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning So Important for This Toronto Design Firm?

The interior design firm that contacted us was made up of about 65 employees. They had recently received a Request for Proposal (RFP) from a client, however, the request insisted that the design firm show proof of disaster recovery and business continuity plans before any agreement could be made. This client wanted reassurance from the firm that their design plans would be protected even in the face of an unexpected disaster.

This Toronto interior design firm did not have any existing disaster recovery or business continuity plans in place. However, this client request had made them realize that getting these strategic IT plans in place was a smart business move. If they could put together detailed plans for backing up critical design work and ensuring their firm could continue functioning even in the case of an IT breach or breakdown, they could keep their clients reassured and maintain a premium reputation for their firm.

Here’s what this Toronto design firm wanted to accomplish by partnering with Sysoft:

  • Full-scope IT systems audit – Before anything else, this Toronto design firm wanted us to conduct a comprehensive review and audit of their IT infrastructure. They wanted us to understand how their IT infrastructure was the backbone of their operations so we could determine the best ways to position it for optimal adaptability.
  • Creation of clear and concrete disaster recovery plans – Next, they needed our help developing clear and concrete policies and procedures that would help their team respond efficiently and effectively to a cyber disaster like a network breach or power outage. They wanted a reliable plan that would help them determine the best course of action in the worst-case scenario.
  • Creation of clear and concrete business continuity plans – In addition to a reliable disaster recovery plan, they also wanted our help to develop a strategic business continuity plan that would help them continue operating and serving their clients even if their IT infrastructure was incapacitated.
  • Strategic training & testing – Finally, they wanted reassurance that the plans we helped them develop would work as they were designed to. That’s why they asked if we could help them test the plans we created and help train their staff to make use of the plans efficiently whenever they were required.

As we said, the proactivity and strategic thinking this Toronto interior design firm demonstrated was nothing short of impressive to us. We often have to spend a lot of time convincing businesses to invest in strategic IT planning like this. Since this company had already come to recognize the business value of developing disaster recovery and business continuity plans, we knew we could get to work right away helping them stay prepared for whatever came their way.

Sysoft Works Quickly to Develop Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Plans for Toronto Design Firm

We have a long history of helping Toronto businesses in all industries develop clear and strategic disaster recovery and business continuity plans. However, like with all things IT, every business requires an entirely customized approach to strategic IT planning. Depending on the unique operational needs and business goals of different companies, the approach to disaster recovery and business continuity planning will vary significantly.

That’s why we wanted to dedicate some serious time and effort to truly understanding how this interior design firm was using IT to support their operations, and the unique ways we could position their IT infrastructure for continual adaptability. Above all, we wanted this client to be left with reliable and strategic best practices that would help them remain productive, secure, and profitable no matter the IT challenges they might be faced with.

Here’s how we helped this Toronto design firm with disaster recovery & business continuity planning:

Initial Consultation & End-to-End Systems Review  

We started by taking a close look at their entire IT infrastructure. We looked at the existing solutions they had in place and examined how these solutions were positioned to support their operations. Above all, we were focused on determining how we could ensure the most essential elements of their operations could be maintained in the case of a cyber disaster.

Development of a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Action Plan 

Once we had a solid idea of how their operations and IT infrastructure were intertwined, we got to work immediately to develop comprehensive disaster recovery strategies for their organization. We focused on developing clear and concrete policies for reporting, responding to, and rebounding from a variety of cyber incidents like network breaches, power outages, or infrastructure breakdown. We also developed detailed strategies for automatically backing-up critical design data and business resources. Our ultimate goal was to position this Toronto interior design firm for a swift and strategic response to unexcepted circumstances.

Development of a Comprehensive Business Continuity Action Plan 

Once we had developed a comprehensive disaster recovery action plan, we worked to develop a strategic and easily-implemented business continuity action plan. This involved creating concrete policies and procedures for keeping clients informed and keeping business processes moving while disaster recovery was taking place. We wanted this Toronto design firm to have peace of mind knowing that even in the worst-case scenario, their business could remain productive, functional, and profitable. They would never have to worry about leaving clients hanging or providing less-than-optimal service because of IT disasters.

Action Plan Scenario Testing  

Once all the action plans were developed and ready for use, we helped this organization run drills to ensure nothing had been overlooked and that the disaster recovery and business continuity plans functioned as they were designed to. This involved running through disaster recovery procedures and making sure business continuity strategies were positioned correctly to support continued client service and productive operations.

Team Training & Ongoing Support 

Finally, once we were satisfied with the disaster recovery and business continuity plans, we worked closely with the interior design and administrative teams to ensure everyone was adequately trained to put the plans into action when required. This involved assigning clear roles and responsibilities and making sure every team member knew how to play their part. We also made sure this Toronto design firm knew that we would always remain on call for additional support – either in the face of a cyber disaster or just as a strategic consultant to help them continually optimize their IT infrastructure.

Is Your Organization Prepared for the Worst-Case-Scenario? Sysoft Can Help You Make Sure!

Since partnering with this Toronto interior design firm, their team has expressed that they feel massively reassured about their organization’s IT posture. They now have all the resources and strategies they need to remain adaptable in the face of any cyber disaster. They also expressed that their clients have peace of mind too, knowing that their interior design materials are consistently backed-up and protected. We couldn’t be happier to have provided this kind of peace of mind to this interior design team and their client base.

Is your organization looking for disaster recovery and business continuity planning services in Toronto? Sysoft is here to help! No matter the size of your business or the industry you’re in, our team of IT professionals can help make sure you’re organization is prepared to adapt and persist no matter the IT challenges you might be up against. Looking for strategic IT planning support in Toronto? Sysoft is a click or call away!

Give us a call anytime at (416) 410-7268, drop us a line at, or visit our website at to book an initial consultation about business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

30 Years

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