
Biddington Property Management Corp. Turns to Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd. for Responsive & Cost-Efficient Service

With the finest building materials, expert construction, and superior property management, Biddington Property Management Corp. was in need of an IT provider with equally high standards. Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd. thought so too, and they were able to offer a partnership with the quality and timely services that Biddington Property Management Corp. required – and deserved.

There’s no doubt that in the world of information technology, things change fast. When a company who can keep up, and has a solid knowledge base in information technology, lacks the time, juggles IT management with the rest of the company tasks – challenges may arise in handing over control (and sometimes for good reason).

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The Situation: A Need for Knowledgeable & Responsive Support to Maintain Their IT Environment!

Stan Guttman of Biddington Property Management Corp. indicated: “We previously had another IT company that would do “pre-emptive” monitoring, but what that meant is that they were signing onto our servers every two weeks just looking at the viewer logs to see if there was any issues.  Nevertheless, system related issues were often missed.  

Mr. Guttman also indicated that there were frustrations with the IT company’s fees.

Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd. came along and was able to offer them the responsive, innovative service they required. Guttman beams, “We just started talking to them, and I liked their attitudes, liked their staff, liked the knowledge of their staff… So we signed a managed service contract with them.”

The Solution: Easy Access to Technical Expertise & Upgrades to Their IT Environment (With No Surprise Costs) to Keep Them Running Smoothly!

“It was pure serendipity how I found Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd.” says Guttman. Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd. has done, and continues to do, a lot for Biddington Property Management Corporation. In particular, the corporation has specialized property management software that Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd. was able to work with.  Along with that, monitoring software for protection and upgrades to improve work flow have been implemented.

Guttman elaborates, “We are probably paying the same as what we were paying before, but it’s in a much more comfortable manner and the staff and I feel more confident with the knowledge that we are being handled properly, that the services are proper, and if there’s ever an issue that they are going to resolve it.”

The Outcome: A Trusted Partnership & Upgraded Technology That Has Improved the Flow of Business!

Biddington Property Management Corp. has noticed substantial benefits since signing the managed service contract with Sysoft Computer Consultants Ltd., including improved efficiency from an upgraded IT environment, and ease of mind from dependable, expert support. “If they say they are going to do something, they do something!” Guttman comments.

He notes, “What I like is they don’t sell hardware,” adding, “I don’t have this push that will do a combined service. If I ask for specs of new servers that we want to put in and have to upgrade to, I can get specs that they have no vested interest in because they are not going to be bidding on the job.”

Sysoft has the IT solutions suited for your success! To learn more, call us at (416) 410-7268 or send us an email:

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