
ALERT: You Could Be Infected With Ransomware Right Now — Does Your Toronto IT Company Use Kaseya VSA?

You need to find out if your Toronto IT company uses Kaseya’s VSA platform right away — if they do, your business could be infected with ransomware. Get in touch with your Toronto IT company right now and find out.

This past weekend, a ransomware attack on Kaseya’s remote monitoring VSA platform infected hundreds of businesses.

If your business or your IT company uses Kaseya, you might be one of them.

That’s why you need to act fast and find out right now. Every second matters when your business is at risk.

Please note: Sysoft Computer Consultants clients are not affected by this ransomware attack. We do not use Kaseya products of any kind, and so, our client base is unaffected. 

What Do Toronto IT Companies Use Kaseya For?

Kaseya VSA is a cloud-based management and monitoring solution that is used by many MSPs and IT teams to remotely monitor and maintain their clients’ IT environments. It’s a tool that allows them to carry out a range of key support tasks without having to visit onsite.

How Did Hackers Infect So Many Businesses Using Kaseya?

The infamous cybercrime group REvil managed to exploit a flaw in Kaseya’s software and infect dozens of MSPs and hundreds of end-user businesses with ransomware. As a result of the infection, REvil was able to:

  • Remotely breach workstations and servers
  • Steal confidential and sensitive information
  • Install malware
  • Add new accounts
  • Delete valuable  data
  • Remove administrative access for key users
  • Hold businesses hostage

Businesses that fail to act quickly will almost certainly lose data, suffer downtime, or worse. Case in point: a grocery store chain affected by the attack has had to close down 800 stores while they deal with the infection.

What Should You Do Now?

  1. Call your IT company if you haven’t done so already and ask them if they use Kaseya products to manage your network. Although it was only their VSA solution targeted in the attack, you should be concerned about all Kaseya products now.
  2. If they use Kaseya, find out what they are doing right now to make sure everything is secure.  Kaseya hasn’t released any updates at the time of this blog post, so the vulnerability still exists.
  3. Find out how your current IT company plans to ensure this won’t happen again.

You Need To Act Now — Your Business’ Data Is On The Line

If hearing about ransomware attacks makes you worry whether your business is vulnerable to security breaches and cybercriminal attacks, then you can’t hesitate to do something about it.

Consult with cybersecurity professionals like those on the Sysoft Computer Consultants team.

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