In case you needed another reason for regularly changing your passwords, the recently-uncovered Yahoo hack of 500 million accounts is probably the reason of the decade so far. [...]
Some smartphone battery-charging myths die-hard. One of them is that allowing your phone to charge all night is a good idea. It isn’t. Frequently charging your phone is also a [...]
If you are like most attorneys, you have some experience with the cloud. While some lawyers use the cloud for nothing more than a “to-do” list and perhaps a [...]
With a rise in telecommuting, alongside ever-growing concerns about email security, such as the “sale” of nearly 200 million Yahoo email accounts on the dark web, [...]
We are all aware these days of how cautious one must be when it comes to electronic communications of any kind. Con-artists, or confidence artists (the term [...]
Biometric authentication is all set to replace the traditional username-and-password style of login, thanks in large part to the fast-evolving Internet of Things. There will [...]
A new bit of ransomware known as ‘Fantom’ has been discovered by Jakub Kroustek of AVG Technologies. Fantom tricks users by dropping an executable file onto infected devices [...]
Although it’s not a very well-written program, and it hasn’t been transmitted in spam email blasts, the Troj/Fantom-B (as it’s pegged by ransomware-blocker [...]
After a “system-wide outage” of their IT network grounded flights globally, Delta Airlines is now the target of a Congressional inquiry. The inquiry is aimed at [...]
If the many reasons to move to the cloud aren’t apparent to you yet, you must be new to the idea of cloud services. Or, you’ve heard it being batted around for a [...]
It’s nearly all you hear about these days in the world of IT – along with ransomware and other malware cyberattacks which are all the rage with hackers: Everyone [...]